We're diving into the five stages of the marketing funnel and how understanding this can better inform your copywriting
In the perfect world, you’d set up your business, launch your social media platforms and you’d have clients flooding in in no time, right? Unfortunately, that’s not the way that business works. Instead, it takes time for consumers to learn about your brand, and to sometimes even recognise that they have a problem. When it comes to copywriting, you need to be aware of the five stages of the marketing funnel and adjust your text accordingly. Not sure what all this means? Don’t worry, we’re explaining it all below.
What is the marketing funnel?
Customers buy things to solve a pain point or a problem – but sometimes they are not even aware they have a problem. So you need to deliver different content based on where that customer sits on the customer journey – otherwise known as the marketing funnel.
The marketing funnel is basically a diagram that helps you identify where your audience sits and shows how you turn your leads into customers. By nurturing your leads through this funnel and giving them the right information at the right times, you will successfully turn people into loyal customers. It’s nurturing people through the ‘know you, like you, trust you’ process.
The five stages of the marketing funnel
Top of the funnel: Unaware
At this stage your potential customers are completely unaware of both their problem and your solution for that problem. This is the very first step to educating people what their problem is. You need to write content with stories and secrets about the problem.
From a copywriting perspective, this is a great time to make a real connection with people. Introduce the faces behind your business, talk about your story and how/why you launched this business. Build trust with your audience and give away some valuable information so that they can see credibility in your brand.
Interest: Becoming Aware
At the second stage of the funnel, people are aware that they have a problem and are becoming interested in the fact that you may be able to solve it for them. People want to learn more about your brand. This is a good time to talk about the benefits of your brand and how it will solve the problem.
Consideration: Solution Aware
Now the potential clients are fully aware of their problem and the solution that company provides, so you need to work on really sharing some information to move them through the funnel. This is a great time to talk about case studies and show actual proof of success. You may have customer reviews that you can utilise, statistics, or other data to prove how great your brand really is.
Evaluation: Product Aware
This is the final stage before purchase, so it’s a pivotal point for getting your potential customer across the line. This is where you want to be offering discounts or deals to allow them to trial your services or products – with an offer they cannot refuse.
Purchase: Most Aware
At the bottom of the funnel is where your potential customers become loyal fans of the brand. This is where you explain the products, prices, and make the sale. This is also where you can turn customers into brand advocates. When your customer has a good experience with your brand, you can encourage them to go on to tell others through testimonials and reviews, which helps to drive new prospects to the top of the marketing funnel to start the process again.